Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Here's another site for examples of quality contact lenses you can wear this halloween:


they have several "sclera" lenses, which cover the entire visible portion of the eye. This version comes in black, bloodshot, red, and blue.

Animal and monster versions include crow, goblin, green dragon, red dragon, vampire, vampiress, wolf, and zombie.

Special effects include chinese spinner, dead eye, fantasia, flames, forever night, gambyte, lost boyz, manson, maven, neon void, reaper, and white out.

Prices range from $100 t0 $259 per pair.

for a few dollars more, you can get prescription lenses too.

The Owner of FXeyes, Jack Carter, designed lenses for "Dawn of the Dead", "Surface", "The Fog", "Blair Witch Project 2" and films.

Monday, October 02, 2006

To see many examples of Halloween contact lenses, type the words "halloween contact lenses" into google, and click the "images" tab. You will then have several pages of pictures that you can view in thumbnail size, which you can then click to view full size.

This is a quick way to see many options that are available.

One site with many options for contact lenses that you can wear this Halloween is:


Another example of how contact lenses can transform your look:


More examples from the home page:


Even more examples of contact lenses blended in and matched perfectly with super-scary masks:


If money is no object, check out the quality lenses at this site:

More Halloween Resources

http://halloweengifts.blogspot.com - find special and cool Halloween gifts

http://infant-halloween-costume-ideas.blogspot.com - ideas for infant Halloween costumes

http://www.dhalloween.com - Halloween t-shirt ideas


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Optometrist works with Hollywood actors

New York optometrist Mitchell Cassel has help transform Jack Nicholson in Wolf, Brad Pitt in 12 Monkeys, and David Bowie in his rock video "Little Wonder." Cassel is a "special-effects eye man" and the president of Custom Color Contacts.

Cassel not only helps actors and musicians, he also transforms mere mortals. Recent surveys have shown that 80 percent of women want to change their eye color, so there's clearly a demand for his services.

The use of cosmetic lenses in films has increased the demand for non-actors who wish to change the look of their eyes to match their Halloween costumes, and now there are more eye care professionals who specialize in cosmetic contact lenses.
U.S. Congress passed law affecting Halloween contact lenses in 2005

The U.S. legislature passed a law making all contact lenses "medical devices" and therefore subject to regulation. This came about from reports that a fews teenagers had developed serious eye problems after using these cosmetic lenses. In one case, a girl contracted an infection and required corneal transplant surgery.

Several studies were conducted and showed that between one-quarter and one-half of persons purchasing cosmetic lenses did not contact a vision professional.

Lesson: you've only got one pair of eyes, so take care of them! Ensure that you know how to use your decorative contact lenses safely this Halloween.